All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 60 of 327 in total

The Power of Language - Acts 2:1–13 (David Williams)

The Power of Language - Acts 2:1–13David WilliamsRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 2/Week 2/Wednesday 2024)

Acts of the Flesh, Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:13–26 (Andrew Judd)

Acts of the Flesh, Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:13–26Andrew JuddRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 2/Week 2/Tuesday 2024)

Orthodoxy Without Wonder - Romans 11:33–36 (Brian Rosner)

Orthodoxy Without Wonder - Romans 11:33–36Brian RosnerRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 2/Week 1/Thursday 2024) 

Orthodoxy Without Community - 1 Corinthians 8 (Brian Rosner)

Orthodoxy Without Community - 1 Corinthians 8Brian RosnerRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 2/Week 1/Wednesday 2024) 

Orthodoxy Without Mercy - Jonah 1 (Brian Rosner)

Orthodoxy Without Mercy - Jonah 1Brian RosnerRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 2/Week 1/Tuesday 2024)

The Grand Finale - Ecclesiastes 12:1-14 (Lindsay Wilson)

The Grand Finale - Ecclesiastes 12:1-14Lindsay WilsonRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 12/Thursday 2024)

Nevertheless, Christ is King - Psalm 20 (Graham Stanton)

Nevertheless, Christ is King - Psalm 20Graham StantonRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 12/Wednesday 2024)

Strength in weakness - 2 Corinthians 12:1-13 (Mark Simon)

Strength in weakness - 2 Corinthians 12:1-13 Mark SimonRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 12/Tuesday 2024)

The Lure of Wealth - Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9 (Lindsay Wilson)

The Lure of Wealth - Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9Lindsay WilsonRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 11/Thursday 2024)

Are you ready to see? - Mark 10:32-52 (Graham Stanton)

Are you ready to see? - Mark 10:32-52Graham StantonRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 11/Wednesday 2024)

Can we hope in times of despair and defilement? - Haggai 2:10-23 (Peter Adam)

Can we hope in times of despair and defilement? - Haggai 2:10-23 Peter AdamRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 11/Tuesday 2024)

Arguing with God in good faith - Psalm 88 (Scott Harrower)

Arguing with God in good faith - Psalm 88Scott HarrowerRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 10/Thursday 2024) 

What kind of leader? - 1 Peter 5:1-11 (Kate Beer)

What kind of leader? - 1 Peter 5:1-11Kate BeerRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 10/Wednesday 2024) 

Where is the promised glory and peace? - Haggai 2:1-9 (Peter Adam)

Where is the promised glory and peace? - Haggai 2:1-9Peter AdamRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 10/Tuesday 2024)

A Time for What Counts - Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 (Lindsay Wilson)

A Time for What Counts - Ecclesiastes 3:1-15Lindsay WilsonRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 9/Thursday 2024)

Show hospitality for the truth - 3 John (Andrew Malone)

Show hospitality for the truth - 3 John Andrew MaloneRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 9/Wednesday 2024)

Let's rebuild the Temple! - Haggai 1:1-14 (Peter Adam)

Let's rebuild the Temple! - Haggai 1:1-14 Peter AdamRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 9/Tuesday 2024)

The Search for Satisfaction - Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:11 (Lindsay Wilson)

The Search for Satisfaction - Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:11 Lindsay WilsonRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 8/Thursday 2024)

Don't waste but win! - 2 John (Andrew Malone)

Don't waste but win! - 2 John Andrew MaloneRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 8/Wednesday 2024)

What is the Gospel? The Gift of God - Romans 1:16-17 (Hannah Craven)

What is the Gospel? The Gift of God - Romans 1:16-17Hannah CravenRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 7/Thursday 2024)

Being the Ones who Jesus knows - Matthew 5:21–37 & 7:21-23 (Bec Muir)

Being the Ones who Jesus knows - Matthew 5:21–37 & 7:21-23Bec MuirRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 7/Wednesday 2024)

Collateral Damage - Psalm 51 (Jill Firth)

Collateral Damage - Psalm 51Jill FirthRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 7/Tuesday 2024)

Praise the Lord! - Ps 103 (Kirrily Drew)

Praise the Lord! - Ps 103Kirrily DrewRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 6/Wednesday 2024)

Loving God 24/7 - Deuteronomy 6:4-9/Matthew 22:37-40 (Jill Firth)

Loving God 24/7 - Deuteronomy 6:4-9/Matthew 22:37-40Jill FirthRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 6/Tuesday 2024)

The Cross and Belonging - Romans 3:21-31 (Rhys Bezzant)

The Cross and Belonging - Romans 3:21-31Rhys BezzantRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 5/Thursday 2024)

The Cross and Freedom - Hebrews 2:5-18 (Rhys Bezzant)

The Cross and Freedom - Hebrews 2:5-18Rhys BezzantRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 5/Wednesday 2024)

The Cross and Confidence - 1 Peter 3:13-22 (Rhys Bezzant)

The Cross and Confidence - 1 Peter 3:13-22 Rhys BezzantRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 5/Tuesday 2024)

So, why chaplaincy then? - 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (Stacey Slater)

So, why chaplaincy then? - 2 Corinthians 5:11-21Stacey SlaterRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 4/Tuesday 2024)

A Festival of Salvation - Esther 9:20–10:3 (Andrew Judd)

A Festival of Salvation - Esther 9:20–10:3 Andrew JuddRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 3/Thursday 2024)

Going Deeper in Grace - 2 Samuel 12:1-23 (Graham Stanton)

Going Deeper in Grace - 2 Samuel 12:1-23Graham StantonRidley College Chapel Sermon (Semester 1/Week 3/Wednesday 2024)

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